If you’ve made it this far, you must be looking for more information on small business marketing. Well, you came to the right place. Most business owners don’t know how to market their business the right way. That is why I wanted to write this for you today. Let me try to help you with your small business marketing to the best of my ability.

Here are 50 must-have tips for small business marketing:

  1. Return on investment (ROI) is everything when it comes to marketing.
  2. Local magazines that target your customer base are an easy way to capture quality leads.
  3. Small web banner ads are awesome when placed on the right websites.
  4. Short cable commercials on the right channel could bring thousands of visitors to your business.
  5. Cold calling sucks… but it will always work.
  6. Knowing who your ideal customer is will make all marketing methods much more profitable.
  7. Your direct mail pieces haven’t worked because they look like everything people receive and consider it junk.
  8. Make friends with the reporters at your local paper and find out what the hot story is…incorporate their point of view and you could have lots of free publicity.
  9. Working with local charities is an easy way to spread the name of your company and also build trust with prospects.
  10. People throw their mail in the dumpster. Direct Mail Step #1 – Have your letter opened.
  11. Have you had any fun events in your store lately?
  12. Create a list of related businesses that have the same type of potential customer. Business-to-business relationships can be deadly for your business.
  13. The lifetime value of a customer is much more important than the one-time purchase.
  14. Collect the email and home addresses of your prospects and buyers. The money is in the list.
  15. Write a book on your industry for instant credibility.
  16. Stand out from the rest of the competition by letting customers know why they should buy from you instead of them.
  17. Your staff should be trained to offer upsells, back-end products, and special offers.
  18. Create a blog for your business and help prospects learn more about what you can do for them.
  19. Review each step of your sales funnel and make sure it’s perfected.
  20. Join all of your local organizations (Chamber of Commerce, BNI, etc.) and meet like minded people. You never know who you might run into.
  21. Customers love continuous billing programs. Offer your services in a special monthly package when they sign up for a 12-month contract.
  22. Make sure a live person answers their phones within a couple of rings.
  23. Be the featured speaker on an issue in your industry. If only 10 people show up, you are more of an authority than you were.
  24. Create a referral program that offers your customers a discount…remember, it’s all about lifetime value.
  25. Never be the company with the lowest price in your industry. People associate price with value.
  26. Separate your database listing between prospects and buyers…treat your previous buyers like gold. They deserve it.
  27. List your business on Google Places…it’s free and simple.
  28. Working with other companies and offering them your share can greatly increase your overall business.
  29. Look into pay per click advertising for your local area. Continue like this only if you are providing a return on your investment.
  30. Keep your Unique Selling Proposition promise by delivering on what it says.
  31. Creative headlines that get people interested are key to direct mail step #2: get your mail read.
  32. Track the results of everything you’re doing to market your business.
  33. You better have a website that has a purpose. Collect their emails, promote special offers, whatever.
  34. Use Meetup.com to find local meetups that may have potential customers.
  35. Do not constantly promote in organizations and meetings. Everyone there is not interested in your business…they are interested in promoting their own business too much. Listen and offer them referrals when you can. They’ll return the favor… I promise.
  36. Capture your prospects’ email by having a web form at the top of the page and offer them something of value in return.
  37. Yellow Pages ads and newspaper ads have their place, but they are usually too expensive to return. Track, track, track!
  38. Social media is becoming a huge thing in today’s market. Remember, though, that they weren’t made to be promoted. Provide quality information and customers will come.
  39. If you don’t know how to market properly or don’t have the time to implement what you know, consider hiring a business consultant.
  40. Take a survey of your top 50 customers and see why they like your business. Use that information to show prospects why you are what they need.
  41. Don’t try to brand your company like McDonald’s, Starbucks, etc. They have worldwide exposure and millions of dollars to spend. You have to be more unique.
  42. Creating videos showcasing your business and posting them on YouTube can generate a good amount of web traffic.
  43. Successful direct mail pieces are all about being creative.
  44. Focus your budget on getting past customers back in the door instead of buying new customers…it’s a lot cheaper.
  45. Marketing is about being different. Don’t be just another business.
  46. Writing press releases about upcoming events or store information can help you build your authority and positions on the web.
  47. Keep your employees happy by positive exposure on social media platforms.
  48. Don’t try to target everyone! Focus on those who will really be interested in what you offer.
  49. Creating a system that works for your business is key to long-term success. Systems can be iterated with expected results and adjusted if necessary.
  50. I don’t think I can say it enough… diversify your marketing strategy. Each method has the possibility of working.

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