The 2012 film, an insane edge-of-your-seat escapism created by veteran apocalypse director Roland Emmerich, though it has poor plot structure and underdeveloped characters, is the perfect thrill for anyone who likes to watch the land divided into tiny pieces or people. desperately running for their puny lives. It has a lot of visual appeal, a lot of plausible premises, and a lot of things that keep the whole movie moving forward to the end. However, it’s not executed in the best of ways, and while the scope of the destruction is far greater and more horrific than we’ve seen before, it doesn’t make up for the film’s inability to deliver a solid story.

However, the movie has been negatively reviewed for the above reasons many times, and this article is not going to criticize the movie further. The 2012 film, inconsistencies aside, is a plausible and genuine perspective on the future if the date of destruction, December 21, 2012, arrives. It mixes all the general theories about 2012, and presents possible outcomes and solutions to save not only humanity, but also its virtues and its long recorded history. Here’s a list of what happened in the 2012 movie that could also happen in real life. apocalypse 2012:

1) The overall destruction of the film is based on the “Theory of displacement of the earth’s crust“And in the movie, it’s claimed that neutrinos are exploding inside the Earth’s core, causing the crusts to shift rapidly. The neutrino explosion, in turn, is supposedly caused by the peak of solar flares in Sun.

2) In 2010, international leaders initiate a massive and secret project aimed at ensuring the well-being of humanity. survival, by building futuristic arks designed to house 400,000 people. Additional funding for the project is raised by selling tickets to the private sector for €1 billion per person, which eliminates the chances that most people survive.

3) By 2011, they begin to secretly move the valuable treasures of humanity under the pretext of protecting them from terrorist attacks, such as the Mona Lisa, to also save the history of humanity.

4) The Mesoamerican Long Count Calendarwave Mayan calendaris referenced in the film.

5) earthquakes of intensified magnitudes wreak havoc around the world as a result of crustal shifting. Huge buildings are destroyed, bridges are split in two, major cities are literally torn to pieces.

6) The Yellowstone Caldera, a volcano in the US, erupts and sends out huge igneous stones shooting into the air, resembling meteorites and asteroids.

7) has mega-tsunami destroys several key cities, including Washington, DC, which kills the President of the United States.

8) The arks save the people who luckily entered. Water levels recede, new lives begin, and a new civilization and world order is created.

If you look past the inefficiency of the 2012 film to showcase great story material that can match its great cinematography, the creators have indeed created a future that is not far from what we as a species are bound to. do just to survive. . The arks are very welcome options if those destructive events ever happen, especially the mega tsunami. However, these are not the only things that could happen in December 21, 2012 – It must be taken into account that the radiations, asteroidsor other similar things are also predicted to happen, so we cannot count in a ark to save us all.

In the most general sense, the 2012 movie is simply a message to all of our subconscious minds to be prepared and vigilant even in the saddest of times. We are human and we are endowed with the ability to hope for the future, to fight for it. If the 2012 movie leaves the screens and comes into our lives, we will be prepared, we will come out winners, we always do.

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