Why do some athletes succeed where others fail? Although it seems like an easy question, the answer is not always obvious. Failure-prone athletes are likely to get caught in a trap where they go through periods of their career where progress stops abruptly. When you’re stuck in that cycle, it can be a very, very frustrating place. Many athletes end up diving further into this cycle without realizing what they are doing.

On the surface there may be things going on that seem like you are doing everything you can. Beneath the surface lies a different set of circumstances that cause things to spiral out of control. Basically, what you see on the surface is a very different picture of what is causing the fight.

What would it look like? We’ve all seen athletes finally get a chance to go pro, it’s a dream come true. The movie “Moneyball” really captures what happened to Billy Beane, a baseball player who originally signed with the New York Mets.

Beane was a very talented baseball player. He had a bright future waiting for him. He had the technique, but not the mentality. When he started playing against other strong players, he couldn’t keep his concentration.

Now the interesting question is why do some athletes get psyched up instead of psyched up. Being in this fight is not very fun. Many up-and-coming athletes have quit their sport because they simply didn’t know how to stop their heads from spinning. Those critical thoughts were constantly undermining her confidence.

Answer the 3 questions below to pull back the curtain and understand your struggle with your inner critic:

– Why would it be easier to stay where you are?
– What is the UNDER SIDE of being on top of your game?
– What happened the last time you reached a milestone?

Yes, these are some tough questions. To overcome the problem it is necessary to go beyond the obvious. The only way to find out the truth is to be brutally honest with yourself about your answers.

Now there are some athletes who will be able to change things once they discover the answers to these questions. Most elite athletes now have professionals to help them analyze mentality issues. Time is valuable. Elite athletes must turn things around quickly to maintain momentum.

Although it may seem counterintuitive, the fear of success is one reason why you could end up sabotaging important opportunities. Consider if there’s anything you’re not willing to give up just yet to move up the rankings. Not all athletes are willing to pay the high price for success.

Committed athletes are willing to do whatever it takes to overcome their challenges. The solution involves understanding what drives you to excel, discovering the cause of your struggle, and then being willing to take the necessary steps to move forward.

Mental toughness is at the center of the solution. It’s not what you think it is. No one needs to take on you like a drill sergeant trying to take you down to make you stronger. Punishing, threatening, and being told to “just get over it” is not an effective approach. You already know what is at stake, what you are not doing well and you feel bad enough about it. Negativity is part of the problem, so it cannot also be part of the solution.

Mentally tough athletes possess these 3 qualities:

– Act despite fear. Yes, they are afraid too. They just don’t let it get in their way or slow them down.
– Develop the ability to maintain concentration under pressure. It’s during those high-pressure moments that your mind wants to step in and take control.
– Playing hard until the end. The mentally tough remain competitive throughout the competition.

Acknowledge your fear and then move on. Making believe that you are not afraid keeps you in the fight. By acknowledging fear, admitting that it is there, you remove some of its power over you. It just won’t feel as intense.
Trying to be in control during high-pressure situations only adds stress. High performance requires relaxed aggression. You want to play hard while staying present. Trust your body to know the right next steps to take without giving it too much thought.

You never know when your next opportunity will arise. The more you compete, the more you will experience the unexpected. Staying competitive to the end prepares you to act quickly on those opportunities when they present themselves. There is good luck and bad luck. The mentally tough are ready to respond immediately to all forms of luck.

Elite athletes know what it’s like to be uncomfortable. Challenges come in many forms. Some physical, some mental. The solution is not always in a physical response. Mentality issues crop up as the pressure mounts. Elite athletes, motivated to win, know that mental toughness is part of a complete training program.

Activity: Less effort is needed for prevention rather than intervention. Do you know where you stop? Decide which part of your brain game requires the most effort. I’m not sure? Then go back to the 3 questions to dig a little deeper. Don’t think too much about your answers. The first thought that comes to mind is usually the right one to start with. Once you know the answer, decide your best approach to solving it. Do you have a trusted resource to help you figure things out?

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