Have you ever wondered why your cat can be so obsessed with cleaning its paws and yet make such a mess when it eats? Don’t start thinking that it’s your cat’s bowl that needs to be constantly changed, it’s not like that. When it comes to cat eating behavior, the cat bowl has nothing to do with it.

Do you know that no matter how homely your cat is, he still has his natural hunting instincts, and these come out especially when he is eating? Cats have a natural tendency to play with food on the plate. If your cat quickly scatters the cat treats you’ve arranged neatly on the dish, the cat is “hunting” for the perfect treat.

When he finds it, he usually tries to hide it, either under the table or behind a chair. You may even find it annoying that you continually play with your food before you start eating it.

You will be frustrated if you don’t try to understand your cat’s behavior. It’s natural for cats to display this type of behavior, so don’t scold or hurt your cat every time he spreads his food around.

Your cat has his wild nature, no matter how comfortable your place is. His instinct tells him it’s a loose cat. Your cat will treat food as if it were out in nature looking for it. He will do this even if you interrupt him by picking up the food and placing it on the plate.

Your cat simply likes to spend his time catching and stalking prey to eat. Notice how most cats catch a mouse, play with it a bit, torture it, release it, and then chase it again. In a cat’s mind, his dinner is more palatable if he plays with his prey first. When everything is in order, his food neatly placed on his plate, twice a day like a pampered cat, then he’s missing out on an activity that’s second nature to him. Other than him, he will always instinctively crave the wild chase.

So don’t take it seriously when your cat plays with his food. If he doesn’t engage in some chasing activity, he will just turn into a fat furball and just be lazy. This isn’t really good for your cat’s health, and having mice inside your house that they might chase after isn’t an option either.

You can buy your cat some cat toys like those with rechargeable centers where you can place snacks. Place these toys throughout the house so that you can motivate your cat to play and discover the snacks. It will make him feel like he’s conquering his prey, because he had to find the toy first, play with it a bit, and then find out what’s inside. Use only dry foods that do not spoil easily. These toys are the perfect alternative to live prey!

Get more useful and interesting information on this wonderful topic by visiting: http://www.CatsAndDogsBlog.com

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