Dogs and cats are more than pets… they are family. They expect us to care for and protect them. Just like people, accidents and emergencies can happen to animals, so being prepared could make all the difference in saving lives.

Emergencies can happen suddenly and without warning. Knowing what to do in the early stages can be critical to your pet’s life. By having a pet first aid kit, dog and cat owners can be equipped when the unthinkable happens. All pet parents should have a first aid kit for their pet in their home. They should also carry one in their car in case of an accident or incident during the pet’s trip. Pet first aid kits are available for purchase or a human first aid kit can be used and then supplemented with pet-specific supplies.

Pet First Aid Kits are designed to help pet owners in the event of an accident or emergency involving their furry loved one. A standard kit contains:

  • pet first aid book
  • nylon strap
  • A muslin bandage
  • Muzzle or strips of cloth to prevent biting (as long as the pet is not vomiting, choking, coughing or having difficulty breathing)
  • Scotch tape
  • antiseptic wipes
  • bandages
  • Scissors
  • Hydrogen peroxide
  • tongue depressor
  • Tweezers
  • antibiotic ointment
  • alcohol prep pads
  • latex gloves
  • rectal thermometer
  • eye wash solution
  • instant cold pack
  • rescue blanket
  • Diphenhydramine (Benadryl®) if approved by a veterinarian for allergic reactions. The veterinarian should specify the correct dose for the size of your pet.
  • List of emergency phone numbers, including those for your pet’s veterinarian, an after-hours emergency veterinary hospital, and the National Animal Poison Control Center (1-888-426-4435).

Once you have a pet first aid kit, it’s a good idea to include this information for each of your furry loved ones:

  • Copies of your shot records
  • Copies of your medical records
  • Current photos of your pet

Those who have faced emergencies can tell you that it is essential to prepare your first aid kit and become familiar with first aid measures BEFORE you face an accident, emergency or sudden illness. Many situations require quick action to prevent further injury to your pet. So, put together a first aid kit now, so it’s ready when your pet needs immediate help.

Our pets enrich our lives in more ways than we can count. In turn, they depend on us for their well-being. Make pet safety a priority. Assemble your pet first aid kit today.

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