Self-help is what one would identify with programs like Alcoholics / Narcotics Anonymous, Double Trouble in Recovery, or Celebrate Recovery, to name a few. Self-help books and self-help programs begin with the premise that there is a dysfunction or challenge with the individual that needs to be addressed. It is an approach from the point of weakness.

Self-improvement is the approach often found in the Business section of your bookstore. It is often focused on making money. Shows like “The Secret” have been catapulted into the homes of millions of people for the “hope” of one day being rich “Bill Gates”! However, it comes from the position of “Strength”. What is right about the individual and how to make you a better person?

As you can see, there are phenomenal benefits to both, as well as challenges. So what is the best approach? My opinion is to take the best and leave the rest! Programs like AA work, however, have created a culture of us versus them. A ridiculous premise that alcoholics are not like the rest of the world is the mantra. They base this idea on a text verse. “We learned that we had to fully acknowledge to our innermost selves that we were alcoholics. This is the first step in recovery. The illusion that we are like other people, or that we can be today, has to be smashed.” ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS, (The Big Book) p. 30.

It is a dangerous belief system and is completely taken out of context, they assume they are different from others. Yes, when it comes to the use of alcohol or other mind-altering substances, we are different. Beyond that, human beings are human beings. It has been observed that 85% of adults report that they are from dysfunctional families! However, the alcoholic / addict believes that this trait is reserved for them!

AA members are often extremely stubborn and protective of their lifestyle. In fact, I could write a “Comments” book of all the negative opinions on my Blogs or on any of my friends’ Blogs when they disagree with us. The idea of ​​keeping an open mind is reserved for the message of the last guru speaker on the circuit.

AA works and works well! However, many people suffer unnecessarily because they refuse to go out of their own way. They have marked the “victim” mentality deep in their minds. They focus on fixing what is wrong rather than focusing on what is right. The key to happiness is to focus on the positive. Have a purpose, retain hope, and enjoy the spiritual path we call Life.

The self-improvement movement also has serious flaws. Capitalization of the state of the economy, as well as sixteen, people’s “greed” emotion prevails. They say that “sex” sells, well money too. More precisely, the goal is to “get rich.” It is unfortunate that the message is distorted due to the guidance of seemingly ill-intentioned self-proclaimed experts.

The self-improvement approach works and works well. It just sends the wrong message that life is about your bank account. There are many self improvement books, audio sets, and professionals who do not subscribe to this marketing approach in their field. The challenge is that the message gets overlooked due to the prevalence of the wealth accumulation mentality.

Tony Robbins is often thrown into the ring as a “motivation guru”. However, study its teachings and you will discover empowering methods that will baffle you. “Awaken the Giant Within”, a weekly listen for me, focuses on neuroassociative conditioning, learning to think and change. The late Earl Nightingale who is believed to be the “Big Daddy” of the self-improvement movement carries the message of hope and strength to this day in audio as “The Strangest Secret” and my favorite, “Lead the Field.”

Combine the two approaches and you have the recipe to overcome addiction and live a healthy, happy, prosperous, clean and sober life, which is my definition of “wealth.” Addiction recovery methods must move into the 21st century.

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