What is arrogance? One dictionary describes him as having or revealing an exaggerated sense of his own importance or abilities: he is arrogant and headstrong | a typically arrogant assumption.

How does this work against us? The main stumbling block caused by arrogance is our refusal to listen to the warnings that come our way. A person may be considering a certain job that pays a large salary. A friend comments that they worked there: it is an emotionally unhealthy environment, and it was a nightmare. Yes, they think to themselves, but I have special abilities and skills; my personality allows me to get along with almost everyone. I’m not you, this is a great opportunity and I don’t want to let it pass.

By refusing to acknowledge the warning that has been presented to them, they put themselves in danger. Which personality type is most likely to do this? According to our Leading From Your Strengths behavior profile, the Lion’s strength is more likely to ignore warnings due to an unhealthy dose of arrogance. They can be described as self-centered: thinking only of oneself, disregarding the feelings or wishes of others; egocentric: their egocentric tendency to think of themselves as invulnerable. This type of thinking believes that things that apply to the average individual do not happen to him.

Arrogant people feel that they know what is best for others. This is a family destroyer because children and spouses cannot choose for themselves; the arrogant spouse always chooses others because he feels he knows what is best for him. There may be conformity on the outside, but deep rebellion and resentment in the hearts of those they try to control.

Do you feel like your husband needs to go on a diet to wean him off his Nachos? He Is he pushing her daughter into ballet lessons trying to get her fingers off the baseball bat? Is she constantly giving her best friend the benefit of her extensive counseling experience? Did he really enter his wife in the Boston Marathon? You’re crazy??

If you have a strong lion behavioral style that fits the following description: demanding, self-centered, driven, ambitious, then you may want to sign up for a course or two. (Don’t trust your own judgment on this one; ask someone else.) Why don’t you start with Emotional Intelligence or Sensitivity Training? You are about to enter a whole new world.

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