Boric acid capsules used as a vaginal suppository may be an effective remedy for yeast infections in some women. Boric acid acidifies the vagina, which restores the natural balance of bacteria and yeast.

Boric acid may be particularly helpful for people with chronic yeast infections who have not responded to over-the-counter or prescription antifungal medications. Some pharmacies can prepare boric acid capsules for you. Order size “0” gelatin capsules filled with 600 mg of boric acid powder in each capsule.

Usually one capsule is inserted at night before bed. Some people may need to take it in the morning and at night. It can be taken with a vitamin E capsule or used with vitamin E oil to reduce the chances of irritation.

Treatment of candidiasis usually lasts three to seven days. Chronic yeast infections may require longer treatment. Using boric acid suppositories for more than a week may cause irritation of the vulva and vagina.

Because boric acid is a strong substance, there are some precautions associated with its use. Consider the following:

o Boric acid is toxic and should never be taken by mouth or placed on cuts or open wounds.

o Side effects may include severe irritation and burning.

o Boric acid should never be used during pregnancy.

In addition to boric acid, there are other home remedies that are sometimes used to treat yeast infections. Many women use yogurt to help cure yeast infections. Yogurt contains lactobacillus acidophilus, a bacterium that occurs naturally in healthy vaginas. Acidophilus kills the yeast by producing hydrogen peroxide in the vagina. To use this method, a tampon is soaked in yogurt and inserted into the vagina. Yogurt can also be applied directly to the vulva to relieve itching and burning. Be sure to use plain, unflavored yogurt that contains absolutely no sugar.

Many holistic practitioners advise eating yogurt daily to help prevent yeast infections and other fungal infections. Drink at least two glasses of buttermilk a day, whether you have the infection or not. This will drastically reduce the chances of infection.

Tea tree oil that is widely available in health food stores is another popular yeast infection remedy. Simply soak a tampon in tea tree oil and insert it into the vagina. Gentian violet is a traditional remedy for yeast and other infections that predates most modern antifungals and antibiotics. To use this method, the vagina and vulva are “painted” with gentian violet. A single treatment is usually enough to cure yeast infection.

While treating a yeast infection with boric acid or other remedies, you can use a paste made from slippery elm powder and water to relieve itching and burning. Another option is to keep the aloe vera in the fridge and soak it in a cotton pad. This can be applied to the vulva as needed. Some women use an over-the-counter topical cream, such as Vagisil, to relieve uncomfortable symptoms associated with yeast infections.

Talk to your holistic practitioner about boric acid to help determine if the treatment is right for you. Boric acid may be a safe, inexpensive, and effective treatment for yeast infection.


Boric acid – a household product often used to cure fungal infections
Gentian Violet – A traditional home remedy that can be used to treat fungal infections.

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