It is not really possible to “reduce the spots”, however, there is a routine that can help tone the legs and perhaps reduce fat accumulated above the knees. The routine is unconventional but can show significant results in a 4 week period. You will need some medicine balls of various weights.

The routine works in a circuit format, performing each exercise trying to get 15 repetitions in 30 seconds. Then rest 15 seconds and move on to the next exercise, again trying 15 reps in 30 seconds.

Exercise 1: Squats down holding the medicine ball in front of you.

Exercise 2: Holding the medicine ball overhead at the start, perform lunges reaching forward for the ball as you do so, returning it overhead as you return to the starting position.

Exercise 3: Wood chops, holding the ball above your head with your feet stationary and pretending that the ball is an ax and you are cutting a log that runs between your legs. At the start of each rep, the ball is overhead, at the end, the ball is an inch off the ground.

Exercise #4: Jump squats with ΒΌ turn every 4 repetitions.

I would keep an eye on a clock, do exercise #1 for 30 seconds, then rest 15 seconds, move to exercise #2 for 30 seconds, then rest 15 seconds, etc. After completing exercise 4, go back to the beginning. The total training must be:

Week #1: 7 minutes

Week #2: 10 minutes

Week #3: 12 minutes

Week #4: 15 minutes

It may seem simple, but I assure you that it is intense. I use a similar routine with some of the professional athletes and fitness competitors I’ve worked with when they’re trying to add shape and definition to their legs. Ideally, I would perform the workout every other day.

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