Should you attend church services with the coronavirus pandemic? Churches can now hold services in some places. However, many Christians have yet to resume services in their various churches. But these same people go to stores, banks, markets and their offices. Should going to church be a problem during COVID-19?

But on Mount Zion there will be deliverance, And there will be holiness; The house of Jacob will possess their possessions – Obadiah 1:17 (NKJV).

For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I in their midst – Matthew 18:20 (NKJV).

COVID-19 cases have kept many people from going out the way they used to. And most people only leave their residence when they have no other choice. Therefore, many places are currently off limits to those people. And the church is one of those places. But should the church be part of them?

The principal cause

Fear of death is the main reason some people are not attending church services during this pandemic. And this is due to the many reported cases of death of people who contracted COVID-19. So everyone is trying as much as they can to avoid getting the virus.

Should you avoid church services?

You must adhere to recommended precautions to avoid illness from COVID-19 at all times once outside your residence. These include social distancing, the use of face masks, and the use of sanitizer and frequent hand washing.

In some of the places where people go, these precautions are difficult to follow. For example, in open markets with many people, it is not easy to obey social distancing precautions. However, this can be handled effectively in churches.


Churches fumigate premises against Coronavirus as many times as necessary. In addition, they provide handwashing points at the entrances with disinfectants. And they move the chairs apart to adhere to the precaution of social distancing. In addition, the faithful wear masks in church and the length of services is shortened.

spiritual coverage

In addition to physical protection, there is also spiritual coverage in churches. This is because wherever people gather in the name of the Lord, the Lord Almighty is always there (Matthew 18:20). And wherever God is, the enemy cannot be there and that includes his agents like COVID-19.

Also, in the churches there is deliverance and people possess their possession, including healing (Obadiah 1:17). Again, the worshipers hear the word of God which destroys any fear in them. And the word of God also strengthens his faith in God and his ability to protect them from the virus. Therefore, attending a religious service is good.

God is your refuge

In this time of pandemic, God is still your true refuge (Psalm 91:2). Therefore, you must run towards Him and not run away from Him. The God who protected the Israelites in the desert day and night is still alive. And He will protect his children from this pandemic. He has promised that no evil will befall you and no plague will touch your dwelling (Psalm 91:10). However, you must believe that He will do what He said.


Therefore, it is good not to evade where your help will come from, the church. If you can go about your business and other activities, then you can attend church services, receive its blessings, and become strong. You can do this by taking all the necessary precautions.

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