Results Be Seen After Jawline Slimming Botox

The jawline is a major focal point of the face. Its width and curve can define a person’s overall facial shape and balance. The heaviness and masculinity of the jawline can be diminished through cosmetic treatments that slim the muscle. One of the most popular of these treatments is Jawline Slimming Botox. This quick, non-surgical treatment is a great alternative to surgical fat removal procedures like the submental lift.

The masseter muscles are the large jaw muscles that allow us to chew, open, and close our mouth. When they become enlarged due to teeth clenching and jaw grinding (bruxism), they can widen and square-off the lower part of the face, which can make the face appear fuller, older, and masculine. Botox injections to slim the jawline reduce the heaviness of the masseter muscles, creating a more defined and feminine facial contour.

BOTOX Cosmetic is an injectable neurotoxin that works by attaching itself to nerve endings. This prevents the release of a neurotransmitter called acetylcholine, which is responsible for triggering muscle contractions. The heaviness of the masseter muscle is largely caused by clenching and grinding of the teeth, which creates an overload of pressure on the jaw muscles. The acetylcholine blocking effects of Botox cause the masseter muscles to relax and weaken over time, which is what causes them to slim down.

How Soon Can Results Be Seen After Jawline Slimming Botox?

During your Jawline Slimming Botox treatment, our medical practitioner will inject two to three points into the masseter muscles on each side of the face. This shouldn’t be painful, but people with low pain tolerance may wish to apply a numbing cream beforehand.

Once the injections have been completed, your medical practitioner will gently massage or apply pressure to the masseter muscles to help the neurotoxin settle in the area and reduce the chance of bruising. Bruising usually goes away within a few hours, and if you want to minimise swelling you can apply an ice pack to the face after the treatment.

In the weeks following your treatment, you should notice that your jawline is slimmer and more contoured. This will develop more over the months after your initial treatment as the masseter muscles continue to relax and shrink. The results from this treatment are long-lasting and can be maintained by regular treatments every 3-6 months.

The reshaping effect of masseter slimming Botox takes longer than the effects produced by anti-wrinkle injections in other parts of the face. This is because the masseter muscles are reshaping themselves naturally, rather than being reshaped artificially by an external force. This also makes the results of Jawline Slimming Botox less dramatic than those seen with other facial plastic surgery procedures.

Injections to slim the jawline can produce lasting results for up to two years. However, the cosmetic benefits will begin to wear off after this period, and the masseter muscles will resume their heaviness. If you want to maintain your jawline-slimming results, we recommend attending regular treatments with a qualified dermatologist every 3-6 months.

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