You’ve been hurt… very badly. Running away from the past took its toll on you. Your heart was once broken, but now you are slowly on the mend. It took him several years and months to move on, and he is finally coming to terms with the fact that maybe it’s time to start over.

After all, you’ve been through trying to erase the pain and hurt, you don’t want to make the same mistake again. You don’t need another heartbreak in your life. But how can you get out of that miserable place full of bitterness if you are not willing to take risks? You need to take a risk and come out of the darkness to experience the joys of life.

There is no guarantee that your next love affair will lead to a serious relationship. Despite the future trials you will face, ask yourself if you are 100% ready to face them.

Are you ready to take risks and get your heart broken?

When your heart is broken, you will do everything you can to fix it and ease the pain. You will protect it from being shattered over and over again. And eventually, you will learn not to trust anyone. You still crave companionship, but your fear keeps you from making a loving connection.

So how are you going to find the right partner if you don’t give love another chance? If you want to find the right “one”, you must be brave.

Are you still pressured?

Don’t let other people dictate when you should start a relationship. They are not you”. You must be the one to decide for yourself because, first of all, it is your life. Do not be blinded by fear and do not rush to do things if you are only afraid of ending up alone. Your despair for love will get you nowhere and you will still end up with the wrong person.Be patient.Wait for the right moment when you are already at peace with your mind and heart.

Are you confident and independent?

Failures make you grow as a person. You become a confident and independent person who is stronger than ever. You no longer need to depend on others to maintain the relationship. You take charge because you have your own mind. You don’t care if you’re going to face another pain because you know you’re already capable of handling it. Loving someone does not mean that you no longer have a life of your own. Love yourself first.

Have you erased all the bitterness from your heart?

Do you still antagonize your ex? It’s natural to be angry, but that should be all in the past. Your hate will only destroy and leave you unable to move on. Think of that previous relationship as a lesson and a springboard to meet the right person. Only then will you realize that it is possible to love again.

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