Learn how to make a guy jealous and love yourself in 5 very simple steps. Look, most people, even girls, wouldn’t know what or who they really wanted if he was standing right in front of them with banners and lightsabers waving. The answer to this problem is simple: Jealousy… or a bit of it. When done right, a little jealousy can solve your problem and get his attention or, better yet, make him want you.

  1. be fine without him. Girls can be too clingy at times, and this alienates boys more than girls could ever understand. As a result, a guy might take you for granted. Have a great life without your guy and you can have a better one with him. Make him see that your world doesn’t entirely revolve around him, and that you can be happy and busy even without his attention.
  2. Don’t answer the first ring, or don’t answer at all. He may be used to you answering his calls as soon as you hear the phone ring, and may think you have nothing better to do than sit back and wait for him to call. You don’t want this if you want me to chase you. Pretend you are busy. From time to time, he needs you to remind him that you are doing other things besides pleasing him.
  3. Tell him how other guys give you their attention. If someone else is flirting with you, tell your man about it. If someone asks you out, tell your guy about him. Make him see that you’re not hungry for attention because you’re getting enough. If you want to start making a guy jealous and wanting you, let him know that he has competition. However, he doesn’t let his conversations start and end with these things or he’ll just lose interest.
  4. If you’re going after a man who isn’t yours but you want to make him jealous anyway, try dating other men to get his attention. Date guys who are in his circle, but not the ones who are close to him. Don’t let relationships get too serious, but don’t let them get too casual either.
  5. I do not need it. Boys are natural providers. They will fight for you when you need it, they will give you protection and everything you need. Guys need girls to need them, because they think there’s no point if you don’t. If you act like you don’t need a guy, he will go to great lengths to make you think otherwise.

There are dangers of making a man jealous. Retaliation and evasion may be the least of your problems. Some guys can be overly jealous and obsessive and possessive. Others could be easily destructive. There are many ways to make a guy jealous and love you, but keeping him safe and not overreacting will always be in the best interest of both you and the guy.

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