Are you on social website networks? Are you getting tons of leads and great connections in your MLM business from your social media website? Let’s go into the 7 deadly sins that you should avoid, if you are not getting the results you are looking for with social networks. If these sins are things you are doing, keep in mind that this is not an accusation, it is to help you get results. Keep in mind that 97% of network marketers are making an average of $ 10 per week.

This means, and I have this with the authority of someone who has been a major producer in my marketing system since it started, that you must NOT do what the other 97% ARE doing … if you want to be great. results.

If this is you, hopefully you are at least spending more than that per week on your personal development. If you do this and are serious about results and change, you are spending more than you earn.

In any area of ​​business, the people who achieve amazing success and get massive results from their efforts are those who continually invest time, energy, and money in their personal development and continuing education.

I know many of you are struggling, whether it be the economic downturn, lack of results in your MLM business, or both. Regardless of your situation, take advantage of the free content that people are releasing. This is specifically how I started. I didn’t have many resources when I started. I found a few bloggers and entrepreneurs in the MLM industry who resonated with me and who were also rapidly improving their traffic rank.

My thought was that they must know something … and he was right. My point is that these are 3%. We have to do what they do, not what 97% do.

Social Website Networks: The 7 Deadly Sins

I. Ask people to add you as a friend without sending them a message.

  • Your job description as a network marketer is “Professional Relationship Builder.” This is offline or with internet MLM.
  • Even if you are building online, you still need to make a positive impression from the first contact. People form an impression with you from the first 30-60 seconds of contact.

II. Do not use their name.

  • I know this doesn’t sound like a big deal, but it is a fundamental communication key, whether face-to-face or online.
  • A person’s name is the sweetest sound to them. This is a universal concept. Use their name when it fits into the conversation naturally. If you don’t, you are missing the opportunity to connect on a really personal level.

III. Responding to your acceptance of your friend request with an immediate sales message.

  • When responding to someone’s acceptance of a friend request, many will immediately respond with an automated sales message.
  • Accepting a friend request is not an invitation to receive a sales message, it is an indication that someone is open to contact and collaboration. This is the specific type of person you want to have as a friend, if you want to create business contacts that can be profitable for both of you. Many are turning off the person before even allowing the relationship to flourish.
  • Respond with a thank you and something that shows you are a person, not a sales machine.

IV. Assuming the new friend needs your help and that you are better than them.

  • Your social media website is not an invitation to give unsolicited advice. I can’t count the number of people I accept as a friend, and they start trying to bombard me with advice about the MLM business before I tell them that I need, or am open to, their help.
  • It is obvious that these people did not even bother to read my profile or click on any of my sites to see if I am someone who is an expert and a coach, or someone who might need their help.
  • A little hint. Click on a couple of their links and see how your traffic ranking is on Alexa. If they rank on, for example, the top 300,000 sites on your blog and the top 500,000 to 600,000 on your website and they’re steadily climbing on both, but you’re stuck at 2.5 million, maybe you should ask for help, not bombard them with your sales message.

V. Post links to your sites and sales messages all over other people’s wall.

  • This seems like common sense to me, but this is so prevalent. Adding someone as a friend is not an invitation to publicly spam them and everyone with whom they are associated.
  • This gives the impression that he is rude and tactless.
  • On this note, constantly using your status box to post sales links and never using it to offer value to your friends is just as bad. Post things that show others that you are a real person.

SAW. Posting things on the sites of people who link to you clandestinely.

  • The best example I can think of is tagging someone else in a video of yours (on Facebook), so that it appears on their profile when someone clicks to view a video of them.
  • When someone did this to me for the first time, it really bothered me because I didn’t know how to remove it from my profile. Commit this sin and see how many start to block and remove you as a friend right away.

VII. Not following up when someone approaches you personally.

  • I have been guilty of this recently, due to the many people adding me and the large amount of spam messages that I am making way. I take responsibility for this because sometimes I have added too many people too quickly.
  • If this is happening, slow down quickly! Success is not a sprint, it is a marathon. You are trying to build relationships. Stop worrying about numbers and genuinely connect with people. Remember, you are supposed to build relationships.

Again, this is not intended to be an accusation or condemnation. On occasion I have been guilty of a couple of these. I try as much to reinforce the correct habits in myself as in you. Make some changes to your approach to social media websites and watch your friends list grow as people start asking about your MLM business on their favorite social media website.

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