Spotify has been an amazing app for me for years. Before downloading Spotify, you had to download each song file you wanted to listen to individually. That was several years ago when iTunes was still relevant to me. Now I love the feeling of having all my high-quality songs in one cloud area that I can download to any device I want! I play it on my TV when I’m in the kitchen via PlayStation, where my speakers can augment my playlist and I can tackle those tough tasks. I connect my iPad to the speakers in my bathroom and play these playlists, as well as on my phone when I’m on the go. With Spotify, I can always pick up where I left off because everything is in the cloud. I also love that the app tracks listeners and that artists can gain popularity from this, so I know my listening counts for something.

Lately I have been receiving notifications from Spotify telling me that I have reached the maximum download content. This has made me quite frustrated. I even deleted many of my photos to free up my cloud space, but in the end I realized that even Spotify has a download limit. Apparently I can only download a few thousand songs. I’ve considered switching to Apple Music because it apparently includes unlimited song downloads. This is very necessary for me, because it is very difficult to delete any of my songs! Apple offers handpicked playlists and albums with the ability to play millions of songs, even offline, and it’s exactly the same price as Spotify! It would be ridiculous not to make the change!

Music is a great passion of mine. I have edited my playlists at least once a week for a couple of years now and would love to share my findings with those looking to find new music that is not mainstream. Follow my Spotify playlists – I have one for just about any mood you can be in. Each one has around 400 songs, so there is definitely something for everyone, even your parents! I’ve found that when you’re feeling stressed or upset in any way, music is an amazing way to pick yourself up again. Some songs have an unwritten power to completely change your mood. Some might say that music itself is a drug!

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