As he crosses the threshold of adolescence, he faces a chaotic stage in his life. Adolescence is a stage where various changes occur in your mental and physical being. These changes can be devastating for you, but you just need to understand these changes in order to adapt to them. Among the visible changes during your adolescence is your height. When talking about height, this has something to do with the growth of your skeleton, which implies the increase in length and bone mass.

There are factors that affect the development of the skeleton. These are your physical activities, food intake, and environment or psychological factors. These factors can affect bone growth with the following explanation.

Physical activities –this plays an important role in bone development before the adolescent stage. The intensity, frequency, and duration of your exercises will have a big impact on your bone development. Running and jumping are the two basic weight-bearing exercises you can do to help your bones get stronger as you age. These exercises also have a great impact on the development of your bone mass. Weight-bearing exercises should be performed before the prepubertal period or between the ages of 10 and 14.

Food intake –Physical activities for the bones are not enough to help build strong bones during adolescence. You need proper and healthy nutrition to build strong bones. Calcium-rich foods and drinks should be number one on your list. Vegetables, dairy products, fruits and meat products are necessary to build strong bones and ligaments. In addition to calcium, your bones also need other vitamins and minerals like protein, sodium, zinc, and iron, to name a few. Therefore, you should consult with your nutritionist what other foods you have to take to help build and maintain strong bones during adolescence.

Environmental and psychological factors –Stress, tension, depression, and anxiety during childhood and prepuberty can have an effect on your bone growth. These factors will not stop bone growth, but may trigger other underlying factors that slow bone development. Hazardous substances in your environment can also affect bone growth. Inadequate rest and sleep can also trigger delayed bone growth.

These are the factors that affect bone growth. During adolescence, your bones must be healthy and strong because you face a more challenging life as a teenager. Bone grows and bone mass develops during adolescence. This is an event in your physical being that marks remarkable changes as you move into the next stage of your life called adolescence.

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