Think back to the old days and it would be easy for us to see that our ancient “caveman” ancestors would never have any problem “getting up”. Heart disease wasn’t even “invented” back then.

With no artificial “processed” foods, and with diets so high in protein that everyone ate, his testosterone levels were always at their natural high. Their naturally available “high protein, low carb” diets were primarily responsible for the production of sex hormones that were always in plentiful amounts to keep them going, i.e. day and night.

Red meat: I think beef and lamb are the best “real” nutritious foods. The protein composition of these foods is considered almost complete, which is also a good source of creatine, which makes us stronger and more energetic. Red meat also contains a large amount of the nutrient coQ10, which is not only vital for heart health, but also essential for sexual health because, judging by the strong connection between erectile dysfunction and heart disease, you don’t need to say that coQ10 will play an important role. in sexual health as well.

Wild Fish: Yes, fish can be a major food source that contains mercury and other toxins and you should by all means refrain from eating too much of it, however when you choose wild Alaskan salmon, mackerel, trout or sardines, instead of farm-raised fish, you would be consuming a lot of good omega-3s and benefiting as a result. And these megadoses of omega-3s are also of the utmost importance for people concerned about their health.

Eggs: Eggs are the ultimate and perfect food. Every day I average 5-6 whole eggs despite the rumor that eggs contain too much cholesterol. The developing embryo needs this cholesterol to create sex hormones, just like men. And they help with male sexual stamina. So, rest assured, eating too many eggs will not land you in the hospital, rather it will help you regain your manhood.

Dairy: Dairy can best be described as “liquid meat” because it contains a lot of good protein. However, raw and organic milk is better compared to other processed ones. Cheese and whole milk are wonderful sources of calcium and vitamin D. Male sexual stamina level can also be greatly improved by a good supply of these nutrients.

Walnuts – Rich in healthy monounsaturated fats, walnuts are also another good source of protein. Almonds and walnuts are packed with nourishing omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin E, fiber, potassium, and many other minerals. Other good options are pecans, macadamias, cashews, and Brazil nuts. They are much better options than chips and crackers when it comes to snacking. Doing so will also help improve male sexual stamina level.

Other factors, such as heavy drinking and smoking, also play a big role in both male sexual stamina and male sexual performance. A few too many drinks will render a man useless, as will excessive smoking. A solid erection requires flexible blood vessels that are easy to expand. Smoking will constrict the blood vessels, causing them to narrow in order to channel the correct amount of blood needed for an erection to occur.

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