Let’s say you know a little about exercising and participating in the occasional training session. But what if you recently felt an urge to get serious about your fitness program and really “get in shape.” How would you take it to the next level?

Well, since we are talking about Fitness related to health, we must keep in mind that it is a physical condition that consists of 5 integral components, related to “good health”. These include:

  • Cardio workout
  • body composition
  • Muscular strength
  • muscle hardening
  • flexibility

A glance at these components will easily tell you that you will need a motto or get a training program that allows primarily aerobic and anaerobic exercises. In a nutshell, that means training to improve the ability of heart-lung function and the major muscles of the body. Training would also extend to properly address biomechanical functions in terms of improving overall joint mobility and connective tissue tone. Finally, body composition is an important indicator and predictor of health and/or disease risk, depending on whether you lead an active or sedentary lifestyle. Through the necessary exercise routines and nutrition plan, the body composition will reflect a desirable proportion.

In summary, it is desirable to increase lean body mass by optimizing muscle condition while reducing the level of body fat through a proper nutrition plan and aerobic exercise.

Now that we have a general idea of ​​what goes into improving our fitness and improving our health, we can jump in and start exercising, right? So to speak, yes, but having made the commitment to “stick” and transform our bodies, does not automatically mean that we will achieve our goal. We need a game plan.

Let us consider for a moment how one would successfully travel through uncharted waters. The answer is relatively simple, but there it is a catch: only once there is chosen one a destination and a time slot, you pull out a map, plan your route, prepare your trip and hit the road. That metaphor applies similarly when it comes to transforming your body, so pay attention to the following important points:

  • Know what your goal or objective is

(In this case, visualize your changed body three months from now, if that is your intended schedule window.) Without direction, mere training and the assumption that you will somehow succeed along the way will give the same results that I once had, very little.

  • Carefully read the training and nutrition principles of your chosen program
  • and familiarize yourself with the physical activities required for the corresponding duration. As I often reiterate, especially to those under my guidance, it is most helpful to broaden your knowledge and understanding of the many topics associated with the health and fitness industry by reading as widely as possible.

  • Decide if you will train in your own home or in a gym
  • , as this will influence your weight training techniques (related to muscular strength and endurance training). Aerobic exercise, on the other hand, can be done in a gym or on the road, track or sports field. If you decide to do weight training at home, you will need to invest in some basic equipment like a set of adjustable dumbbells, a barbell, as well as a bench, etc. However, I would recommend, if you are a beginner, that you consider using a fitness center (or gym) at first. That way, you can eventually set up a home gym with a clearer understanding of the minimum equipment requirements for an effective workout, along with the space required for this option.

  • The preparation part of the trip involves a small daily procedure. You can think of this as an annoyance or a triviality. Do not do make that mistake. It is of utmost importance for plan your meals and exercise routines ahead of time. A simple 10-minute procedure the day before is all you need. You may eventually find, after completing your program, that you can make it up as you go. While you could do this to some extent with your meals, it’s much more difficult ad hoc the exercise part, and still get results. This is true whether you’re in a “cutting” cycle (lose weight to improve definition), building phase, or just on a maintenance program.
  • Their success will largely depend on tracking your daily activities and your weekly progress. As an additional measure, you might also consider taking regular photos, for example at monthly intervals. Not only does this help you see where you’ve made (or still need to make) improvements, but it’s also a great way to keep your motivation high. A detailed training log will also allow you to gauge when and how to make incremental adjustments to your program activities. Tracking your activities is vital to help you stay on track.
  • Finally, once a week too Check and record your weight and body fat measurements. However, don’t obsess over doing this on a daily basis, weekly values ​​will give a more accurate indication of your physical change. I usually do mine on a Sunday night and include a careful self-inspection with a mirror. To control my level of body fat, I also pinch the skin fold about an inch above the hipbone. Another practical progress indicator is the “fit” of clothing around the waist and buttocks. Please note that the bathroom scale simply displays total body weight. Much more important is increasing your muscle-to-fat ratio, which doesn’t necessarily mean the scale will be the most important indicator of your progress or a companion during your journey.
  • There you have it: a short take-home checklist to help you successfully plan and execute your health-related body transformation program. To quote a much used proverb, he who fails to plan, plans to fail.

    Get the most out of your efforts and leave as little as possible to chance. Good luck.

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