Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is an extremely common and controversial childhood disorder characterized by a variety of behavioral health problems. Children diagnosed with ADHD have difficulty paying attention and concentrating, lack impulse control, and are extremely hyperactive. Not all of these symptoms need to be present for a child to have ADHD. Some children exhibit only the symptoms of inattention, while the primary symptoms in other children will be impulsivity/hyperactivity. There are some children who will exhibit both types of symptoms.

ADHD is usually diagnosed after a child has had persistent difficulties in school. Problems keeping up with school work or retaining new information and frequent disruptive behavior are common precursors to an ADHD diagnosis. Controversy surrounds this disorder mainly because the conventional treatment for ADHD is stimulant medication. The most notorious of these medications is, of course, Ritalin and it has been used for decades to treat ADHD symptoms. There are now a variety of stimulant and non-stimulant medications available to treat ADHD, but many people are concerned about giving these powerful medications to young children. These medications have numerous side effects and only treat the symptoms of ADHD and do not address the underlying cause of the disorder.

Unfortunately, the exact underlying cause of ADHD is unknown, but research suggests that children often have a genetic predisposition to the disorder. ADHD tends to run in families, which supports this research. However, a predisposition to a disorder does not mean that it will always manifest itself, leading many to believe that external factors play a role in the onset of many disorders, including ADHD. Recent research suggests that an overgrowth of Candida albicans, a typically benign type of yeast innately present in the intestinal system, may play a role in the onset of ADHD.

An overgrowth of Candida albicans, also known as candidiasis, occurs when external factors upset the delicate balance of the intestinal system. Overuse of antibiotics is the main culprit, as it kills not only the bacteria that make us sick, but also the “friendly” bacteria that help keep the body healthy. An important role these “friendly” bacteria play is to keep the Candida albicans population at bay, and when they are eliminated, Candida albicans can multiply and transform into an opportunistic organism that then releases numerous toxins throughout the body. These toxins cause a wide range of both physical and mental symptoms such as joint pain, chronic fatigue syndrome, chronic yeast infections, chronic sinus infections, anxiety, brain fog, depression. ADHD is actually one of the many symptoms of yeast infection. That is why yeast treatment can help in relieving ADHD symptoms.

The cornerstone of candidiasis treatment is the candida diet. The candida diet seeks to eliminate all foods that feed Candida albicans, thus cutting off its food supply, killing it and restoring the proper balance of the intestinal system. When this is accomplished, many people begin to experience relief from physical and mental symptoms. Although yeast infection may not be the underlying cause of all cases of ADHD, if you’re looking for alternative treatments, it may be worth exploring.

For information on how to live yeast-free by following the candida diet, visit Yeast-Free Living.

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