Cloud computing is the delivery of resources, software, and information shared over the Internet. It is a relatively new IT service delivery model and provides users with a completely different way of using and managing their IT software and platforms. A common way to use cloud computing is to subscribe or pay a monthly fee to use a particular software solution. Instead of the software being installed directly on a user’s computer, the user accesses the software remotely, through their web browser.

Some of the generic benefits of cloud computing include:

  • cost: Cost can be greatly reduced as capital expenditures are converted to operating expenses, lowering barriers to entry.
  • Local independence: Users can access the systems through a web browser, regardless of their location or device they are using
  • Scalability and maximum load capacity: Using cloud software means that businesses can handle spikes in demand with ease.
  • Reliability: Reliability is improved, making it a more secure option for disaster recovery.
  • Maintenance: This is easier in cloud computing, since the software is not installed on the user’s computer; which means that the support and updates are managed and assumed by the provider itself.

Event managers can take advantage of cloud computing and use it to improve efficiency and lower the cost of their events.

Two of the most popular cloud software solutions for event managers are:

Google docs

Google Docs is a fantastic example of cloud computing. Traditionally, working with a master document on a conventional server or network could cause many problems, such as:

  • Not knowing if you are working on the latest version
  • Only one person at a time can access
  • Only those who work on the server / network will be able to access the document
  • Problems with duplication

However, hosting documents in the cloud means that key members of the event team (and external partners and vendors) can access documents anytime from anywhere (internet connection pending). There is no limit to the number of people who can view the document at any one time, updates are done in real time, and there are no problems with document duplication. In addition, hosting documents in the cloud is also more secure, since they do not depend on the security of the network or the server where they would normally be stored.

Event management software

Event software is beginning to play a key role in event organization and management. Comprehensive event management software includes features such as:

Website integration: Event software should integrate seamlessly with your existing website without the need to redesign or rebrand.

Online registration: Event management software should allow event managers to create a fully customizable online reservation form that captures the most relevant information from their delegates.

Communication of events: Clear and targeted communication to your delegate audience is crucial, the event system should include built-in event communication tools such as email marketing, invitations, and surveys.

Event Badges: One of the most time-consuming jobs for an event manager is producing delegate badges. The event software makes it possible to create custom badges before or during the event simply and quickly

Event resource management: Simply manage and allocate all resources through a comprehensive calendar feature, providing full control of all aspects of the event management process.

Event finance: Technology enables event managers to offer a variety of options for delegates to pay securely online with confidence, providing ease of use through automation.

Event reports: Determining the true ROI of events can be determined and managed through a powerful suite of reports and analysis.

Event Scheduler: Manage and schedule multifaceted one-on-one meetings for your delegates and vendors simply and efficiently

Space management softwareThey are: Flexible venue planning and scheduling tools that manage the event facilities regardless of the type of events taking place.

Manage documentnt: an easy way to publish and manage speaker bios and summaries

Event software can help event managers create more effective and successful events. Research has shown that during the current economic downturn, many event companies have begun to harness the benefits of event automation and technology to help stay afloat. Increasing the efficiency and reducing the cost of hosting events is helping to increase the return on investment provided to both the event company and the delegates attending.

A cloud-based event management solution offers event managers the opportunity to manage event teams and reservations and service delegate requests, from anywhere, anytime. At the same time, event promotions, reservations, cancellations and updates can also be carried out using the Internet as a key delivery vehicle.

From the point of view of event managers, cloud event management software will handle large volumes of outbound transactions (email newsletters, invitations, etc.) and inbound transactions (event reservations, modifications, cancellations, etc.), saving time and money. while giving delegates a smoother and improved experience.

From a management point of view, a cloud-based event management solution provides the mechanism to have real-time control of all event activities: event managers can get an accurate view of the status of events. active events, at what stage of the particular event marketing campaigns. They are in and the comments that are received about their program of ongoing events. External partners (trainers, speakers, sponsors, caterers, venue managers, etc.) can also have easy, secure access to the event-related details they need to access and can respond to any change of the event that affects them. again in real time.

Having a cloud-based event management solution opens up significant opportunities to integrate the solution with internal and external complementary solutions and applications. For instance:


  • Financial applications
  • Customer and contact management solutions


  • Partner Websites
  • Third-party online payment providers
  • Social media environments

With a cloud-based event management solution, event management becomes totally a business issue and IT issues are handled by the cloud application provider. The availability of the event management solution, data backup and protection, as well as the scalability of the solution at peak times, are managed transparently by the cloud application provider.

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