Experts recommend that we should empty our medicine cabinets once a year to get rid of items that are expired or have lost their labels. Without an annual spring cleaning, you could be taking potentially harmful medications. Ingredients in expired medications break down and can become inactive or even toxic, upsetting your stomach.

The essential first aid kit

Pain relievers: Acetaminophen or ibuprofen are best for a mild fever and aches and pains, such as a toothache, headache, or menstrual pain. But it’s not right for everyone: if you have asthma or a history of high blood pressure or stomach ulcers, for example, you shouldn’t take it. It can also irritate the stomach, so it should be taken with plenty of fluids and food.
Paracetamol is safer for everyone and can be taken on an empty stomach. be careful not to exceed the recommended dosage.

Cold and Flu Remedies: An all-in-one cold and flu treatment, such as Lempsip, is a good idea. Helps relieve joint pain, headaches, coughs, and nasal congestion, without taking separate medications for each ailment. This reduces the risk of taking too many paracetamol-based products at one time. Throat lozenges with an antibacterial agent and a mild antiseptic will help clear up the infection and relieve pain.
A menthol massage can help clear the nose and chest.
For coughs, an expectorant remedy is the best all-round remedy, as it helps loosen and remove phlegm and is soothing. If you need to stay alert, choose a formula that does not make you drowsy.

Allergy treatment: Antihistamine tablets (or liquid for children) work by suppressing histamine, a chemical released during an allergic reaction. But they also have a sedative effect. So keep this in mind when you are taking them.

Skin treatment/rashes: A tube of antihistamine cream will treat itching and skin rashes (such as heat rash). A bottle of emollient cream is a good moisturizer for dry skin. If you have a specific rash or skin condition, ask your pharmacist about the best type of cream to use.

Diarrhea treatment: The best advice for an upset stomach is to simply let the infection run its course and drink plenty of water to replace lost fluids. But with virulent viruses, like last winter’s norovirus, you may want extra help to avoid dehydration. Rehydration sachets replace fluids and salts lost by the body and Imodium slows down the action of the intestine, allowing more time for water and salts to be reabsorbed.

Thermometer – Digital thermometers are fast, accurate, and easy to use. You can get them to wear in the ear, underarm, or in the mouth. A forehead strip thermometer is a cheaper option. It will give you more of a temperature guide than an accurate reading, but that’s usually enough if you just need to confirm that your temperature is elevated.

Basic first aid kit

Casts – in a range of shapes and sizes

Antiseptic wipes – for quick wound cleansing

Antiseptic cream – for cuts and scrapes

Melolina dressing: for scrapes or large burns. The shiny surface keeps the wound free of material and prevents possible infection

Microporous surgical tape: to keep the Melolin dressing in place

Tweezers – to remove splinters

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