Serving in the military is a dignified and honorable aspiration, and homeschool students can look forward to this opportunity after they graduate from high school if they choose, just like any other student. While there has been some confusion about the enlistment process, several points should be noted that will enable homeschool graduates to meet the standards outlined in the June 1, 2007 Department of Defense policy on homeschool students. homeschooling and your ability to obtain Tier. 1 Status Level 1 will open many doors for the homeschool graduate, and with it comes many benefits of military enlistment, so keep these things in mind as you work through high school if you’re considering this graduate career path. There are three areas that you should pay special attention to.

1 – All standard enlistment requirements must be met by homeschool students seeking military enlistment, and that includes physical testing as well. Therefore, it is important to be physically active in your homeschool program, participate in sports or athletic training, and build a solid foundation in fitness. The challenge for homeschool students is to remember that while a home aerobics video or dog-walking routine is often considered “good enough” for homeschool physical education standards, home, that type of program will not benefit your potential military career or your long-term fitness and cardiovascular needs. Consider physical education a course worthy of strict activity and training. Many local gyms are available, as well as sports teams from around the community to help facilitate this. Physical education, taken seriously, should be included in your high school program to be ready for the physical standards of military enlistment.

2 – Also, to enlist in the military, you must be a graduate from a home school program, not currently in high school, and your high school course of study must meet state and local standards. Be sure to follow the state guidelines for what is expected for graduation in your area and keep records that can verify your compliance with these codes. Keep accurate records for transcript preparation, because actual transcripts and Diplomas will be required for enlistment. Transcripts must include specific course names, completion dates, any community college work you have completed, and be professionally prepared. Spend time sorting out these documents as you work on your high school. It will really pay off when you graduate.

3 – Finally, you are expected to take the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) test. Homeschool graduates will be required to achieve a 50 or higher on the ASVAB to earn Tier 1 status on their enlistment. A higher score, or strong performance on this test, will also open other doors to possible cash bonuses for some types of enlistments, possible early promotions, and other opportunities for on-the-job training and choice, so a strong academic background, test-taking readiness, and being an independent learner will be vital traits to cultivate. Homeschoolers are also expected to take the Assessment of Individual Motivation (AIM) which, while it will not affect your enlistment status, will be a required test that you should be aware of.

If homeschooling students think they may be interested in earning a military enlistment after graduating high school, then the best course of action is to participate in a strong college preparatory program in high school. This will ensure they present the best possible strengths, both academically and physically, to enlisting officers, and give them more options through higher ASVAB test scores. There are practice tests that can be taken for this exam, which are highly recommended, and all high school students should also take a solid course in test preparation while in high school. Most high school homeschoolers have no problem with their military enlistments if they follow these minimum standards during high school. Homeschool graduates have been very successful, not only enlisting, but also serving their country with honor and pride, and this highly respectable post-high school pathway can be an open door for a life-changing experience of great importance. Value for those who prepare well. for it.

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