Do you want to discover successful tactics to make girls want you? Developing a woman’s attraction would revolve around controlling female emotions. If this sounds like something you’d be interested in, keep reading because that’s how the experts do it. Just read on to discover the tactics the pros use to make girls want you…

How To Make Girls Desire You: 3 Deadly Female Psychology Tactics You Must Learn

Tactic #1: “Polarity of emotions.” This tactic is very powerful, if done the right way. Simply put, you have to give the girls the best time they’ve ever had in their lives. This would certainly require you to make her feel incredibly high every time she’s around her by acting goofy and cracking jokes, if that’s what it takes.

Then, after she starts to have feelings for you and those feelings reach an incredible level, just walk away. Make up an excuse to get away from her and do exactly that. The myriad of feelings she was going through will fade away as you do it and she will end up with absolutely nothing along with a blank slate of feelings. This can actually create a great deal of attraction on a girl’s part, as she will want to build on the emotional bond you’ve already created with her earlier. She returns to her side about half an hour later and should be ready to melt in your arms in no time.

Tactic #2: “Foundation blocks.” The fundamental basis of female attraction comes from two male factors: having the ability to make girls go through various states of emotions and being a real guy of value. You need to master both of these things to develop female attraction with ease.

So, bottom line, you should never react to things while presenting yourself as a high-value guy at the same time. This means that you need to elicit reactions from other people instead. Reactions are closely related to feelings, so getting reactions from people, particularly girls, can make them have certain feelings for you. The more feelings you give a girl, be they good or bad, the more she will be attracted to you over time.

Tactic #3: “Hypnosis”. This deadly method works best when used with the tactics mentioned above. Send a girl on a roller coaster of feelings and make her feel states of sadness and happiness while you do it, so that she will remember these states whenever you are around her. This type of drama can anchor whatever feelings she has with you, making her dependent on you for whatever feelings she wants to experience.

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