Too Cold For Swimming

Generally, 68 degrees Fahrenheit is considered to be a comfortable temperature for swimming. That said, you should take precautions. Wear a wet suit, thermal swimwear, and ear plugs when exercising in water that is 72 degrees or cooler. If you’re feeling uncomfortably cold in the water, it may be a sign that you’re suffering from a hormonal or extraneous nervous system problem. Consult a physician before beginning an exercise program.

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Although spring weather can be balmy in some parts of the country, the temperature of water can be quite cold for many swimmers. Even though it may be tempting to jump in, swimming in water that is 72 degrees or colder can be dangerous. It takes a long time for water to warm up to its proper temperature. For these reasons, it’s best to wait until the water temperature reaches 70 degrees or warmer.

The World Health Organization recommends that water be 78-86 degrees Fahrenheit. While 72 degrees may seem too cold to swim in, many experts say that it’s perfectly safe and even beneficial. The average person’s core temperature drops to 70 degrees in fifteen minutes. On a sunny day, you can swim safely in a pool or a hot tub. But if the water is too cold, you may suffer from hypothermia. Ideally, you should avoid swimming in water that is cold enough to make you shiver.

Is 72 Degree Water Too Cold For Swimming?

The International Swimming Federation and the Red Cross recommend water temperatures that are safe for exercise. At 70 degrees, you can do moderate exercise without risk of hypothermia. When exposed to water below that temperature, the body’s temperature begins to drop drastically. You can even die within a matter of seconds. Even if you are at a comfortable temperature, you need to be very cautious if you’re planning on doing anything vigorous in cold water.

Many people debate this question every year. Your neighbors, the local pool store, and even the guy in your office all have their own opinions. However, there’s one universal answer: 72 degrees is not too cold for swimming. It’s simply not safe to swim in a water temperature lower than 70. However, water temperature of 50 to 70 degrees is dangerous, as the swimmer loses control of their breathing and risks hyperventilation.

Even competitive open water swimmers may not find a cold water 72 degrees too cold. The reason for this is simple – the coldness of the water can cause the body to contract and slow down your breathing. It can also cause muscle spasms. If you panic, it’s time to head for the nearest pool. And don’t forget that your body’s fat provides insulation against cold water.

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