Namibia is a very safe country to travel to. Although robberies and muggings do happen, they are extremely rare. Most of the crime is in the main cities of Namibia and once away from the main urban areas, crime is very rare. Crimes travelers may experience, if any, involve personal theft. Namibians are more willing to help you than hurt you. Traveling on public transportation does not increase your chances of being a victim of crime, and since it is so unlikely, no matter how you travel, your chances are the same.

Increase your safety in Namibia by knowing the following:

Windhoek is a place where visitors should be extra vigilant. As in other major cities around the world, it’s best not to flaunt expensive technology like cameras, cell phones, laptops, jewelry, or money. As the old saying goes, ‘out of sight, out of mind’, a thief will think of stealing after the opportunity presents itself, so don’t present thieves with easy opportunities. In recent years, muggings are on the rise and the best way not to be a victim is to not look like an easy target. Backpacks and cameras around your neck will expose you and label you as a “lost foreigner” who knows nothing of Namibia. Walk with confidence and use your common sense. Be careful when visiting the markets on Independence Avenue and when traveling to the places (townships). The day is always safer than the night, and although crime is low, petty theft does occur. Taking precautions will ensure a peaceful and crime-free visit.

Municipalities in Namibia are called locations. Namibian security decreases once you enter a location. The locations are often an interest among travelers and can show you a side of Namibia that is only read about. The locations are found in almost every city in Namibia and are home to the poorer classes of society. If you plan to visit a place, go with a guide, with a friend, or if you travel alone have a plan. Be sure to visit during the day and leave your valuables at home. Visiting a place is a great opportunity and should be part of your travel plans. When visiting a place, apply the same rules that you would apply when traveling to a big city. When you’re careful, places can be fun and friendly, offering you a rich cultural experience. For female travelers and those traveling alone, know your limits and familiarize yourself with local attitudes. Avoiding overwhelming conversation and attention will take some practice; however, making friends with local women is a great way to have a fun and safe experience. The same can be said for men traveling alone.

It is important to keep in mind some areas of caution to increase your safety in Namibia. Most robberies happen when your back is turned. Up north, thieves have perfected a variety of diversionary tactics. Be aware of your surroundings and if a person is talking to you, know exactly where your belongings are, as another person may be behind you stealing your valuables. If something is visible and can be easily removed from a pocket or hung from a bag, someone is likely to do it. The same can be said for valuables inside cars. Almost everywhere, supermarkets, restaurants, etc., an attendant will be on duty watching the vehicles. Pay the man a few Namibian dollars for his services; It’s a small price to pay to keep your things safe. If his window is broken, file a police report and get a copy, this will make your claim on his insurance policy much easier. Be careful when dealing with the police as it will take time and in most cases nothing more than a report will happen.

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