When we talk about communication skills, the first and foremost thing that comes to mind is fluency. ‘Fluency’ is one of the many aspects of good communication skills. While fluency is very important in verbal communication, your peer part i.e. good handwriting is important in written communication.

Whether we communicate verbally or in writing, our purpose is to get our message across to others. So a good communication skill would definitely mean how easily we can get this message across. This, in turn, means that the message must be unambiguous, clear and precise. Saying something roundabout, that is, without going to the point and with multiple meanings, is considered poor communication.

To add impact to your verbal communication, avoid a flat tone. Instead, modulate your voice to match your sentences. Your verbal communication should include low and high pitch with appropriate delays between words. You must not yell or whisper. But, you must be audible. Also, your facial expressions and gestures must agree with your words.

Therefore, if you want to improve your communication skills, have a good knowledge of the language you choose to communicate with. Good grammatical knowledge is important for both oral and written communication skills. Grammatical errors can sometimes be tolerated in verbal communication, but not always.

If you know the grammar well, fluency will come automatically. Initially, you may not speak it fluently, but gradually you can pick it up. Hesitation can be one of the reasons that impedes fluency. Keep communicating without hesitation. Analyze your past communications for the mistakes you made. You can record your conversation for this purpose or you can ask a friend to help you in this matter. Try to eliminate these faults and you will soon become fluent. Listen to audio and video programs and communicate with other people as much as possible in that language.

Therefore, good communication skill means precise and unambiguous communication that is grammatically correct and conveyed through a well-modulated voice or clear, legible handwriting with expressions that match the conversation. What if the written communication is not handwritten? Therefore, if the written communication is typed or delivered electronically, you must also be careful about the proper font and font size that is legible. Here, the font color and font style express your communication.

My best wishes for happiness and good communication…

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