Does lying down make tinnitus worse? In fact, many patients stated that lying down does not make their tinnitus worse. Rather, being in a relaxed and calm state, such as during bedtime or taking a short nap, can amplify the buzzing, ringing, or buzzing in your head, as this is the time when your mind is not high enough. “busy” enough for the tinnitus to go off. unnoticed.

Victims noticed that during the day, when they are on their regular routines, their tinnitus doesn’t seem to bother them or it’s like it’s not there at all. But when it comes time to rest for the night, the “ghost” sound comes back to dominate your mind. In other words, in quieter times there are no other sounds to distract or mask internal sounds.

So can a person suffering from tinnitus reduce the annoying sound of tinnitus when lying down? Many tinnitus patients are relieved by listening to low-level music when they go to sleep at night. They carry an electronic player near their bed or ‘pillow speaker’ with them and listen to soothing sounds such as the sound of waves, crickets, birdsong, therapeutic music or even the sounds of traffic.

Since “silence” in the bedroom makes tinnitus more audible than when increasing the outside sound appropriate to the tinnitus level can be very helpful.

Another technique to minimize the irritating test of tinnitus when lying down is to divert your thoughts by imagining constructive images, memorizing short notes, singing a song in your mind, or reliving some happy events.

Psychological methods are believed to be more effective than physical ones. There are other techniques that include biofeedback and self-hypnosis. They are the safest among the remedies and have no side effects.

Other patients turn to the use of nutraceuticals or natural sleep aids every night before bed. These neutraceuticals are an effective way to give people with tinnitus a good night’s sleep.

One of them is Black Cohosh, known to relieve pain and stimulate relaxation. Chamomile is also an excellent sleep stimulant similar to valerian root. However, the most popular is the regular use of melatonin. It is responsible for improving mood and sleep patterns, is a great source of antioxidants, and is obviously helpful for some people with tinnitus.

So when you have tinnitus and lying down to sleep or rest seems like a test, try using the above methods. But always remember that it is very important to better understand each remedy before taking it.

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