In weight loss, the types of food you eat are also important. Remember… Moderation. You can substitute fresh vegetables and salads with low-calorie dressings for high-calorie foods like French fries, macaroni and cheese, or loads of high-calorie dressings on your salads. Fried chicken, fish, and other meats loaded with fat can be substituted for meats that are baked or grilled. The list is longer, but most likely you will have to learn to make changes to your diet. It doesn’t mean you can never have anything you like, but remember moderation.

Advice: In the short and long term, eliminate or substantially reduce your salt intake. In the first week and maybe two weeks, you will lose extra pounds of water. Not only will you lose more weight, but you’ll also keep it off if you stay away from salt. Your heart and blood pressure will thank you too. Learn to enjoy the taste of food instead of the taste of salt. It may be difficult at first, but in time you’ll be glad you did it.

meal planning it can be very difficult if you lead an active lifestyle. If you need help, this is where supplements and meal replacements can be of great benefit to you. We know of many people who have been greatly helped by supplementing their revised diets with premixed or powdered diet drinks that you can mix. In addition, there are numerous vitamins and supplements that can help you get on the road to weight loss, and there are several companies that will sell you the complete eating plan and ship it right to your door. There are many ways to help you lose weight and keep it off if you’re determined to.

Here are some things you’ll need to do to kick start your meal plan.

Discipline: You got it? Only you know the answer. There are no magic pills to take. There is no magic food. In short, there is no magic to help you. You can’t wish for weight and there is no genie in a bottle. It requires some good old fashioned Discipline. If you have the discipline or can summon it from within, you can do it. We have found that most people have the discipline once they decide to lose weight and keep it off. So when you start planning your meals, keep in mind that your discipline is a key ingredient.

Longed for: This is what keeps you going when you want to give up. You’ve got a target weight, you’ve planned how you’re going to get there, you’ve worked out and feel better, and you’ve developed the discipline you need to make it all happen. If you have the desire to look in the mirror and see the new you, the desire to wake up in the morning completely refreshed, and the desire to have the life you remember when you were young and energetic, you will achieve it. This is also a key ingredient in planning your meals.

Lifestyle: How we live our lives every day plays a bigger role than most of us can imagine. We develop a lifestyle over the years and it takes planning, discipline and a desire to change your lifestyle. If you really want to do it, you can do it. Every time you plan your meals, remember that how you eat determines how your body feels.

Losing weight isn’t easy, but by doing the right things consistently, you can lose weight and keep it off. It doesn’t mean you can never have another french fry or slice of pizza. It means you have to learn to eat in moderation and follow your meal plans consistently.

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