The problem with health and wellness MLMs is really pointed out in the case of Somalife. Somalife had their sales force, distributors, they built their sales base and then when the sales reached a certain point, Somalife decided to cut their reps throat and cut their commission so they could be a more profitable company. This is a typical story when it comes to health and wellness MLM.

Whose fault is it?

This is mainly due to the arrogance of scientists and founders who think they can continue to sell something without a sales force actively ordering and promoting it. It is very rare that this is actually the case, but companies continue to try this tactic.

Is this the strategy of all MLM companies?

Of course, no. Not all MLM’s are looking to get a bunch of distributors to promote their company only to cut them out of profits when they reach a certain level. However, it seems more typical of health-related MLM companies.

What are Somalife representatives doing now?

Now that the company has cut their commission checks, some have given up on network marketing, other smarter reps are realizing that this myopic company doesn’t fully represent the entire $114 billion network marketing industry and are looking for a job. leader to help them build an income stream in network marketing.

There is hope?

Most believe that Somalife had a good product but not the best training. Those kicked-out reps should look for a company that has a strong system and a group of founders who see the long-term benefit of building a network marketing company.

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